Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unity 3D Store Link:


  1. Hey really cool script! I'm working with playmaker and don't have any C#/JS skills so I'm having a hard time editing the scripts I'm buying to work outside of PlayMaker.

    How do I add a tag compare so it only gets objects with a certain tag for the gravity effect? I'm not using it for traditional magnetism and want it to only pull/push certain object tags.

    Also, if this were condensed into a PlayMaker action it would be hugely awesome. It already looks pretty similar in the script.

    1. Sweet another Lane =P,

      So if you wanted a way to filter out/use certain tags objects the preferred place I would do this is under the CalculatedAndExtimateForce() event and add to the 'where' LINQ statement. So if you wanted to make it so the gravity would effect just the 'player' tags I would add another && statement something like this:

      && h.tag == "Player"

      or if you wanted it to only effect everything else other then the player:

      && h.tag != "Player"

      Hope that helps, sorry I'm not very familial with PlayMaker, but I think for my next version I'll add a way to filter tags that would be quite useful.

    2. Yeah seeing all this Lane stuff is.. weird :P

      Ah thats what it was, I did make another && but did it all wrong, trying to get it to compare a string for the tag name.. Wasn't sure how to approach it. I didn't know it was that simple.

      I'll see if I can make a PlayMaker action out of your script to do what I need. If I get it working I'll let you know.


  2. I REALLY Want to buy this asset but I am stuck on Unity 4.0 for a bit yet..

    The asset page says it requires Unity 4.0..

    My Questions:

    1- Does it come with source?


    2- How practical would it be (for me) to port to Unity 4.0?
    are you using something 4.1 specific?



    1. Yep comes with the source, don't think you'll run into any problems. I just used whatever the newest version was when submitted the project. Let me know if you run into any problems if you end up getting it.

  3. Ok got it working on Unity 4 no problem!

    How I had to do it-

    1- Install latest Unity 4.1 alongside Unity 4.0
    2- run unity 4.1 - sign in with your email etc
    3- in Unity 4.1 - asset store - purchase circular gravity force asset
    4- close unity 4.1
    4- run unity 4.0 (both unity versions use the same dir for assets)- import the asset and all the scenes work

    Lane- I suggest that you re-create the package with the older unity 4 and republish- this way it will work on 4.0 and 4.1

    I am sure there are other people in my situation, where a new version comes out of Unity, but you want to finish the project you are working on BEFORE upgrading..

    1. Hey Brian thanks for the feedback. I'll start looking into moving the version down, maybe even to 3.5 if I can.
