Monday, April 15, 2013

This tutorial walks you through how to properly use the Circular Gravity Force project. The Circular Gravity Force project allows any given game object in Unity the ability to have a circular gravitational force around it, whether that force is negative or positive. This Circular Gravity Force gives the customization options you need to set the size, power, force and even a pulse to any object. This makes it incredibly easy to add gravity/force to, a planets, magnets, explosions, sci-fi effects, and etc. The demos and tutorials below shows just how powerful this asset can be.


  1. Nice video!

    Did you make the sun? I love it!

    If you bought it , would love to know where, if you MADE it would love to purchase from you as an asset :)

    1. Thanks! I ended up using this texture pack for the planets:

      and used Unity's default fire effects they have.
